Lt Col (Hony) M.S. Dhoni recently attended an event in S♔rinagar which was organized by the Indian Army. The former captain interacted wiꩵth the students in a school and emphasized the importance of studies and sports in life.
It was really inspiring and motivating for the young kid꧙s toꦗ talk to the sports legend.
“Lt Col (Hony) Mahendra Singh #Dhoni interacting with the enthusiastic children of #APS #Srinagar; emphasised upon importance of #studies and #sports”
Lt Col (Hony) Mahendra Singh interacting with the enthusiastic c💃hildren of ; emp🔜hasised upon importance of and
— Chinar Corps🍁 – Indian Army (@ChinarcorpsIA)
Meanwhile, few people in the crowd were seen cheering for Shahid Afridi. In a video, we can see the mob shouting “Boom Boom Afridi” during the event, and the army is trying to control the situation.
Watch the video below:
“Crowds shouting Boom Boom Afridi at MS Dhoni when he attended a cricket tournament sponsored by the Indian army in north Kashmir #Cricket”
Crowds shouting Boom Boom Afridi at MS Dhoni when he attended a cricket 𝔍tournament sponsored by the Indian army in north Kashmir
— Saj Sadiq (@SajSadiqCricket)