India’s tennis star Sania Mirza, turned 31 on Wednesday. Many sportspersons took to Twitter to wish her a happy birthday but the messages from her friend Suresh Raina and her lovely husband Shoaib Malik stole all the limelight.
“Happy birthday mirza sania, your positive attitude and love for life has been instrumental in helping you shape such a successful tennis career and sail through all the ups and downs. Have a great one my friend!✌️🎂”, wrote Raina in his message.
Happy birthday , your positive attitude and love for life has been instrumental in helping you shape such a successful tennis career and sail throu�ꦯ�gh all the ups and downs. Have a great one my friend!✌️🎂
— Suresh Raina🇮🇳 (@ImRaina)
Sania got married to former Pakistani skipper ꦛShoaib Malik in 2010 and the two share a strong bonding since then.
“Here’s to wishing my beautiful wife a magical birthday. Missing you.”, tweeted Shoaib.
Here’s to wishing my beautiful wife a magical birthday. Missing y𝓀ou 🤗
— Shoaib Malik 🇵🇰 (@realshoaibmalik)
Sania, who began her Tennis career at the young age of 17, received the prestigious Arjuna Award in 🅺2004 besides being awarded the Padmashri in 2006 and Padmabhushan in 🍸2016.