India’s star fast bowler Bhuvneshwar Kumar is all set to get married to his fiancee Nupur Nagar on Thursday. The speedster, who will be missing the next two Tests against Sr෴i Lanka, was seen enjoying his Mehndi ceremony on Wednesday.
The Uttar Pradesh lad, who got engaged in a ceremony in Greater Noida, will be tying𝓡 the knot in his hometown Meerut.
During the pre-wedding photo shoot, Bhuvi was seen wearing the traditional Indian attire and dazzled in the outfit. Also, he was seen having a ‘mehendi’ on his hands.
Meanwhile, the beautiful lady was also seen having her hands colored with mehndi designs. The pictures of their pre-wedding ph𝓰oto shoot have been going viral on the social media.
Bhuvi’s elegant look in the Indian attire
Here’s the video: