Bollywood actress Kiara Advani, who made her mark in one of the most successful biopics of all time ‘MS Dhoni: The Untold story’, is looting appreciation from all the cordons for giving justice to the role of former Indian cricket team captain MS Dhoni‘s wife Sakshi Dhoni.
Sakshi herself applauded Kiara for portraying exactly her replica in the movie and Kiara admitted, “Appreciation coming from Sakshi was a big relief”.
The new Bollywood sensation revealed her thoughts on current cricketers in a very exotic rapid fire round 🌸during an interview.
When Kiara was asked about the cricketer with whom she wants to go out for a candle light dinner date, she admitted that Mahi would be perfect one to go out for a dinner, she said, “I don’t know about candle light dinner date but dinner, just dinner since he is married, would probably Mahi so I could know more about him.”
Kiara also said that Virat Kohli is the hottest in a current lot of the cricketers when she was asked about it. She whispered, “Virat Kohli, he is quite hot”. The current Indian skipper is the fittest in the squad and is often in the buzz for his looks among female fan following.
The actress again stuck to her movie title ‘MS Dhoni: The Untold story’ when she was asked who has the better ingredients of a husband in the current time from either Bollywood or cricket.
She then recalled a day when she met the Dhoni couple with their baby in Harbhajan Singh‘s wedding reception. “The way he was holding his baby’s bag and the way he was looking after his baby and his wife was so amazing”, she said. “It was so normal and so lovely to see, Dhoni is super grounded,” she added.
Virat Kohli and MS Dhoni are the favourites in the Bollywood and it is no more surprise that Cricket and Bollywood find common interest in each other’s field. It has happened before and it will happen in future as well as these both topics are always trending in India.
Here’s the video of Kiara Advani’s interview: