Susmita Roy had been Manoj Tiwary‘s girlfriend for a long time of seven years before the two tied knot on July 18, 2013 in a hush-hush affair. Manoj whose career has been marred by series of injuries found himself sidelined from the pitch but that has definitely not dented his enthusiasm. He seemed to be enjoying the company of his beautiful wife by his side as the pair enjoyed the clear waters and blue sky of the United States of America.
Manoj and Sushmita have been on quite a holiday mode. The two werﷺe earl🍃ier spotted enjoying the amazing scenery of Maldives.
However, Susmita is also quite popular among fans because of her model like looks and gorgeous personality; she keeps on sharing pictures on Twitter and Instagram. But what Sushmita’s husband really likes about her is the cute and good-natured personality.
And on S🐭aturday, Susmita poඣsted a lovely picture on her Instagram with a message for her husband.
She captioned it as, “My favorite place in all d world is NEXT 2 U My ŁÔVĘ mannirocks14”