Former Indian skipper MS Dhoni celebrated his 36th birthday on 7th July 2017. The social media turned into a mode of celebration with thousands of people wishing him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram on that day. And one among those was none other than IPL anchor Archana Vijaya.
Archana then took to her Twitter handle and posted a picture of herself along with Mahi and wrote, “Happy happy birthday to the most calm and cool guy ever – @msdhoni! You make us so proud!
In her another post, she talked about her favourite picture with Dhoni and wrote, “This is my favourite picture of @msdhoni with my bag ! Haha ! May God bless you with love, happiness and peace ! HBD ! ”
Well, the gorgeous IPL who has been winning the hearts of millions of people with her enigmatic persona and charming personality on social media, is currently enjꦡoying her vacation in Italy with friends.