Left-handed Indian batsman Suresh Raina, who is one of the only cricketers to score a century in all the formats of the game, on Wednesday evening, took to social media to do an “AskRaina” in Twitter style.
Raina answered a variety of questions from fans, including his favourite left handed batsman, one word about former skipper MS Dhoni and a lot more.
Here are some of the fans questions answered by Suresh Raina on Twitter:
Q1) What is your favourite moment with your daughter?
A1) Every time she smiles or giggles
Q2) Who is your favourite left handed batsman?
A2) Saurav Ganguly
Q3) One word about Mr. Cool- MS Dhoni
A3) Born Leader
Q4) Sir one word about your fans?
A4) My Support System
Q5) What profession would you have chosen if you weren’t a cricketer?
A5) Singer
Q6) Sir who is your favourite women cricketer?
A6) Deepti Sharma & Mithali Raj
Q7) Dravid or Sachin..
A7) Legends can’t be chosen! Both
Q8) How u feel when our Dhoni Standing in Non-striker with you for first time also how’s ur expression?
A8) Exciting and energising
Q9) Which has been your favourite moment with Sachin Tendulkar Sir?
A9) When I got an award from him at MIG f🐭⛎or best batsman of time shield trophy
Q10) One word for our Indian Cricket Team?
A10) Family!
Q11) Best moments in Indian team
A11) Winning world cup 2011
Q12) Sir which is your favourite ground in India?
A12) Dharamsala and Chennai
Q13) Tell me about Gracia
A13) My world and my bundle of joy
Q14) Tell few words about parents
A14) They are my inspiration and their blessings alwa♏ys keep m🍎e going!
Q15) What’s the best lesson you’ve learned from cricket?
A15) Staying focused, hard work,๊ dealing with pressure and enjoying the team work!
Q16) Few words about Prabhas?
A16) Brilliant actor!
Q17) How’s your training going at the moment and who is your favourite fielder?
A17) G🐼oing really well. My job is to keep working hard! Jonty Rhodes