Indian actress and model Kajal Aggarwal who is a popular face in the Bollywood, Telugu and Tamil film industries during her recent trip to London had a brief chat with the media and there she answered some fun-fi🦹lled questions.
As a part of the interaction with the reporter, the glamorous diva was asked to choose between Indian Tennis legend Leander Paes and cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar. Moreover, she was also as꧅ked to choose betwee⛦n Tennis and Cricket.
Replying to these queries, she said that as she is an Indian, she considers Cricket to be her favourite sport and regards Sachin as ‘God’.
“I choose Sachin Tendulkar because he is god. I would watch a sports film but would prefer to act in a romantic comedy. Since I’m from India and the most watched and loved sport in India is cricket, I’m sorry but I have to confess that cricket is my favourite. But I enjoy watching a lot of tennis too,” Kajal was quoted as saying.
Well, we must say that these were some sw꧃eet replies and are bound to make fans love Kajal Aggarwal even more.