Bollywood actor, producer and writer Kamaal Rashid Khan, aka KRK, has blamed Virat Kohli for the poor show of the Royal Chall🉐engers Banga🌠lore (RCB) in the ongoing season of the Indian Premier League (IPL).
RCB has lost 9 games out of their 12 games till now and commenting on the same KRK wrote on his Twitter account, “Today #RCB is in the bottom of #IPL2017 just because of arrogance of Aashiq @imVkohli n looting corrupt nature of Bhagoda @TheVijayMallya!”
Through his tweet, KRK called Kohli an ‘Aashiq’ (lover) and Vijay Mallaya a “Bhagoda’ (escapist).
Wel🌸l, we have seen how Kohli can shut up the tro📖llers with his short temper and now that RCB is busy wrapping up their league stage matches, we hope Kohli will find time to lash out at KRK.