Team India’s fast bowler Bhuvneshwar Kumar, who is a part of the Sunrisers Hyderabad team in the IPL 2017, surprised everyone by sharing a picture of him wearing a classic upper on a dinner date and left an interesting question to his fans on his Instagram account by posting “Dinner Date and full pic soon” with a winky emoji.
While everyone is wondering who the mystery woman is, the reports from the Hindustan Times suggests that the girl is a Tollywood actress cum model Anusmriti Sarkar.
Bhuvi and the actress were spotted gettin🎃g out of the car. While onlookers tried to click their p😼ictures, the couple quickly sped off in their red car.
Well, Bhuvneshwar Kumar has been the star performer in the ongoing IPL and 🌳📖is also the leading wicket-taker in this season with 26 wickets.