Bollywood stars Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor recently joined hands with a digital and mobile entertainment platform, Hotstar, for the promotion of their upcoming film ‘Half-Girlfriend.’
The duo also went to a show where they had funny moments with cricketers namely David Hussey and VVS Laxman.
During this show, they played a funny game as well in which they had to ide⭕ntify the pictures of cricketers who are playing in the ongoing IPL.
The𒆙 pictures of players were cut into half and mixed to make the game a little bit tough for the Bollywood celebs.
Shraddha Kapoor was paired with VVS Laxman whereas Arjun Kapoor was pa𓆏ired with David Hussey for the expert advice.
Both the teaꦗms were asked to ra🌟ise their hand if they know the answer.
Here’s the video of the funny game show:
When 's & indulged in FULL fun!— Hotstar (@hotstartweets)