The new season of popular reality show ‘Roadies’ is back on Indian television and this time with the name ‘Roadies Rising’. This year, it has Neha Dhupia, Rannvijay Singha, Prince Narula, Karan Kundra and Harbhajan Singh as gang leaders.
Recently, the show, known for subjecting contestants to ruthless acts, saw a verbal spat ౠbetween Bollywood actress Neha Dhupia and the cricketer Harbhajan Singh.
The two celebrities exchanged a few heated words regarding g💫rilling a contestant and this incident will be aired in th🍌e next episode.
A source has been quoted in a Mid-Day report as saying that, “While shooting for an audition episode, Rannvijay, Neha, Karan and Prince wanted to test a contestant by making him face his biggest fear. They made him sit on a chair and decided to electrocute him. To make matters worse, Neha suggested that water be poured on his feet. That’s when Harbhajan lost his cool, and said, ‘This is wrong. Just to do a task, you might end up hurting the guy. He could die. I am not going to be part of this’.” Despite Bhajji’s protests, Neha refused to budge and told Harbhajan, “You can keep throwing googlies at us, but you cannot tell us what to do.”
And now, nobody knows if H♛arbhajan, who walked off the set, will return to the show.