Australia’s star opener David Warner is in India playing against Virat Kohli-led team for four match Test series. Accompanying the 30-year-old is his adorable wife Candice Falzon and daughters – Ivy Mae and Indi Rae.
On Wednesday morning, Warner shared a collage of pictures of his daughter Ivy Mae dressed in a gorgeous lehenga on Instagram with the caption asking Boll🐼ywood to watch out fℱor his daughter.
His repost reads, “#Repost @candywarner1 with @repostapp・・・Another morning of Ivy entertaining us. Look out Bollywood here she comes @davidwarner31.”
The photo was originally posted by his wife Candice on her Instagram. Well, the tಞwo-year-old Ivy Mae looks so adorable in the photo that the fans are loving it.
Also the picture went viral on the social me🐟dia in a matter of few hours after sharing.