Virat Kohli recently became the first Indian player to have signed a rupees 100 crore plus deal with a single brand when he announced his eight year agreement with Puma and joined the ranks of Usain Bolt, Thierry Henry, Olivier Giroud, Asafa Powell ❀amongst others as a global ambassador for the𒀰 brand.
The Jamaican sprinting legend, Usain Bolt congratulated Kohli on the announcement and commented, “Great choice @imVkohli, Time to go to the next level #ForeverFaster”
In response to Bolt’s tweet, Kohli tweeted, “I wish I could get as fast as you someday @usainbolt. Thanks legend. @PUMA #ForeverFaster”
Kohli is very pleased to be associated with the global brand and was quoted as saying by The Times of India, “It’s a privilege to be part of a great list of athletes that Puma has. Not just today’s icons like Usain Bolt, but also the brand’s rich history with Pele, Maradona, Thierry Henry and others. Both Puma and I are committed to a long-term partnership. I am impressed by the way Puma has gained popularity and market leadership in India in a short period of time.”