Team India’s opening batsman KL Rahul, who is the only batsman to reach the score of 100 with a boundary on his maiden centuries in all the three formats of the international cricket, is reportedly dating Elixir Nahar, a Bengaluru resident.
Elixir is currently an anchor-producer at the Network18 media. She has also appeared as a digital host in some marketing and fashion related e꧙vents.
Though, Rahul has kept his personal life under wraps but both him and Eli🦄xir do reg♑ularly share pics of each other on the different social media platforms and we can say that there is surely more than meets the eye.
Elixir is often seen cheering for the young Indian cricketer during the Indian Premier League (IPL) 🔯and Team India matches.
Top 10 unseen pictures of KL Rahul with Elixir Nahar: