Team India’s star batsman Rohit Sharma, who is currently on break from cricket due to injury, was recently spotted spending some quality time with his wife Ritika Sajdeh. The adorable coup🍌le was sᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚeen in Munich on Wednesday as they attended the Bayern Munich’s Champions League match against Arsenal.
Apart from cri🦩cket, Rohit is a passionate football fan and follows Real Madrid closely.
Well, another India opener KL Rahul was also in Munich to watch the football game between the two European giants alongwith his rumoured girlfriend Elixir Nahar.
Also READ: Do know about KL Rahul’s gorgeous girlfriend Elixir Nahar
Ritika, Elixir and Rohit posted the photo of the tickets of the match on different social media platfo♕rms.
CHECKOUT the pics here: