Team India’s star player Yuvraj Singh, who plays for the Sunrisers Hyderabad, believes that the English all-rounder Ben Stokes could easily earn a couple of million deal in the IPL 2017 auctions which are to be held🍃 in Bangalore during the third week of February.
“He’s a quality hitter, fast bowler and fielder. He’ll definitely get the big bucks. He brings a lot to the table,” Yuvraj was quoted as saying by BBC.
“If these guys come and play in the IPL, their skills will improve. The more they play in different conditions, the better they will become,” he added.
Many English players including Ben Stokes, Chris Woakes, Jason Roy and Alex Hales are expected to play in IPL this year as England team is 🔯not playing any matches i𒀰n May.
“If these guys come and play the IPL, their skills will improve. The more they play in different conditions, the better they will become,” Yuvi concluded.
Also READ: RCB captain Virat Kohli keen to buy Ben Stokes at IPL 2017 auction