Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, who is currently dating Indian cricket team’s skipper Virat Kohli, recently revealed a funny incident involving none other Rahul Dravid.
Speaking at a talk show in Mumb🉐ai, Anus⛄hka revealed about the incident which occurred at Chinnaswamy Stadium, where she and her brother met Dravid who was busy in a shoot.
“When Rahul Dravid came for a shoot at (MA) Chinnaswamy Stadium, we went to see him. I took my brother’s book and pen and went up to Dravid for his autograph, since he was feeling shy. I was never star struck,” a Zee News report quoted Anushka Sharma as saying.
T♈he situation be𒊎came awkward when Anushka had to ask for her pen back as the cricketer continued using her pen to keep signing other autographs.
“Dravid took my pen and started signing other autographs too. After waiting for him to return my pen, I walked up to him and asked for it back,” added the report.