India’s star cricketer Yuvraj Singh and British model-turned-actress Hazel Keech tied the knot on November 30 last year in a traditional ceremony at the Hansaliwale Gurdwara 🐈in Fatehgarh Sahib near Chandigarh.
We know about the southpaw dazzler quite well and it would be int🍰eꦺresting to know a little more about his lady love now.
Here are the top 10 interesting facts that you must know about Hazel Keech:
10.) Hazel Keech was born in Essex, Englan♈d to a British father and a 💟Mauritian mother.
9.) She completed her schooling from Beal High School in Redbridge. Apart from academics, ൩she was always interested in dancing, acting and sꦬinging.