Indian star batsman Gautam Gambhir on Tuesday came out in support of Zaira Wasim, who played the role of young Geeta Phogat in recently released Bollywood movie Dangal– which is a biopic on her wrestling coach and father Mahavir Singh Phogat.
Gambhir is disgusted at the way trolls forced 16-year-old actress to apologise for meeting Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mehbooba Mufti.
I hope people remember that I’m a just a 16-year-old girl and I hope you treat me accordingly. I’m sorry for what I did but it was not a deliberate decision and I really hope people can forgive me,” Zaira wrote in her apology.
Gambhir, who is known to take a strong stand on social issues, took to his T෴witter account and commented in support of Zaira through a series of tweets.
The left-𝓰hander also asked whether someone would do the same to the powerful Khan troika from Bollywood.
Here are Gautam Gambhir’s comments in support of Zaira Wasim on Twitter:
“Calling @zairawasim “unislamic” for acting in Dangal or meeting @MehboobaMufti is naked suppression. Ashamed dat she had 2 apologise.
To me whole @zairawasim episode smells of sexual bias. Can someone say d same thing 2 @aamir_khan @BeingSalmanKhan @iamsrk?”.
“Men will be men. Insecure 2 see a girl like @zairawasim get wings. Sadly we think “Maahri Choriyan AAJ B Choron se kum hain.” @aamir_khan.”
Calling “unislamic” for acting in Dangal or meeting is naked suppression. Ashamed dat she had 2 apologise.
— Gautam Gambhir (@GautamGambhir)
To me whole episode smells of sexual bias. Can s𒁃omeone say 🤡d same thing 2 ?
— Gautam Gambhir (@GautamGambhir)
Men will be men. Insecure 2 see a girl like get wings. Sadly we think “Maahri Choriyan AAJ B Choron se kum hain.”
— Gautam Gambhir (@GautamGambhir)